我们的标准bbin提供豪华的功能,通常与更昂贵的bbin和更高的成本选择有关. 考虑一下新的石英台面, plank flooring, plush carpeting, custom ceramic tiling, 和抛光天然硬木. 包括升级厨房橱柜, appliances, 浴室或三种定制的彩色油漆, one for the walls, one for the base cove, window sills, doors, 三分之一是天花板. 为你的第四种颜色选择一种突出的墙壁颜色. 标准配置通常包括升级的水龙头, LED lighting, wired shelving, 镜面滑动门, newer windows, and window treatments. 你可以期待节能供暖和制冷! 享受美丽和令人惊叹的大堂, hallways, and exquisite grounds, 也许更接近酒店的期望. 你的家应该是你快乐的地方.
许多团队成员住在现场或附近,从而能够快速响应紧急情况. This is not just a job; they are part of your community.
该团队高度以居民为中心. 呼叫中心每周7天,每天24小时开放. Work orders can be easily entered at any time in the Resident Portal 24/7; we aspire to complete service calls within 24 hours**.